Becca Feauto

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4 Ways to Get Unstuck and Off the Content Creation Hamster Wheel

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I'm a girl who took a $300 refurbished laptop and dining room table and turned it into a 6 figure business. I now own and run ladybee & co. to help female founders be seen, be heard and get LOUD.

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Hi, I'm Becca

As a business owner you’ve likely experienced the relentless pressure of content creation. From blog posts to social media updates, emails to videos, the demand for fresh, engaging content can sometimes feel like an endless cycle. But we’re here to tell you, you’re not alone in this struggle. Many entrepreneurs find themselves trying to get unstuck from the content creation hamster wheel, which they find themself constantly churning out material without seeing the desired results. But that’s all about to change. In this blog post, we’re sharing four effective strategies to help you break free and get unstuck from this cycle and regain control of your content creation efforts.

1. Audit Your Content Strategy

One of the first steps in getting off the content creation hamster wheel is to take a step back and assess your current content strategy. Yes, we’re starting with what you’re doing now.  Are you creating content just for the sake of it, or is each piece serving a specific purpose aligned with your business goals? Conduct a thorough audit of your existing content to identify what’s working and what isn’t. Hint, your numbers won’t lie. Look at metrics such as engagement, conversion rates, and audience feedback to gain insights into which types of content resonate most with your target audience.

Once you have a clear understanding of your content landscape, refine your strategy to focus on quality over quantity. Instead of churning out numerous mediocre pieces, concentrate on producing high-value content that provides genuine value to your audience. One of our favorite approaches to content is to consider repurposing or updating existing content to breathe new life into it and extend its reach. By streamlining your content efforts and focusing on what your audience wants to see and hear from you, you can get unstuck from the endless cycle of content creation without sacrificing your results.

2. Embrace Content Repurposing and Automation

Speaking of repurposing, one of the biggest challenges female founders face when it comes to content creation is finding the time and resources to consistently produce new material. This is where the power of content repurposing and automation comes into play. Rather than reinventing the wheel with every piece of content, leverage your existing assets and repurpose them across different platforms and formats.

For example, transform a blog post into a series of social media posts, an infographic, or a podcast episode. Repackage webinar content into bite-sized video clips or downloadable resources. By repurposing content in this way, you can maximize the impact of your efforts while minimizing the time and resources required.

Additionally, consider automating certain aspects of your content creation process to streamline workflows and free up valuable time. Use scheduling tools [we use Planoly] to plan and queue up social media posts in advance, allowing you to maintain a consistent presence without being held to your devices 24/7. Invest in email marketing automation platforms [we use Flodesk] to nurture leads and engage subscribers with personalized content journeys. By embracing content repurposing and automation, you can break free from the content creation hamster wheel and reclaim your time for other business activities.

3. Delegate and Outsource Where Possible

It’s tempting to try and do everything yourself to ensure it’s done right. However, this mindset can quickly lead to burnout and hold up your business’s growth potential. To break free from the content creation hamster wheel and get unstuck, it’s crucial to learn to delegate and outsource tasks that fall outside your core competencies or in most cases, simply consume too much of your time.

To delegate work, consider hiring freelance writers, graphic designers, or social media managers to handle specific aspects of your content creation process. Not only does outsourcing free up your time to focus on strategic activities, but it also brings fresh perspectives and expertise to the table, enhancing the quality of your content.

If you’re new to delegating tasks, be sure to clearly communicate your expectations and provide any necessary guidance or resources to ensure successful outcomes. This is where my Content Success System can help keep your content consistent and cohesive across all your marketing channels. By learning to trust your team, you can leverage the power of delegation and outsourcing, which will lighten your workload, leaving you time to complete only the tasks you can do.

4. Prioritize Self-Care and Creativity

Last but certainly not least, running a business is demanding work, and neglecting your well-being can have serious consequences for your health and productivity. Remember to prioritize self-care and creativity to break free from the content creation hamster wheel. Set a timer on your phone and schedule regular breaks throughout your day to recharge and reset. Whether it’s taking a short walk, practicing mindfulness, or indulging in a creative hobby, finding ways to nourish your body, mind, and spirit helps keep those creative juices flowing.

Also, make time for activities that spark your creativity and inspire new ideas. Getting in the room holds a lot of power in this work-from-home world. While most enjoy it [we’re raising our hands too] being with people face-to-face can reignite any content creator. 

Remember to remain playful. Creativity thrives in an environment of curiosity, playfulness, and openness. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new formats, styles, or topics in your content creation efforts. 

Don’t get hung up on the pressure to constantly churn out content. Take a moment to review what’s working and implement the strategies outlined in this blog post. They will help you break free from the content creation hamster wheel to help you get unstuck and regain control of your time, energy, and creativity. 

We want you to create less and repurpose more with intentional content to impact your bottom line. Because the truth is, we don’t want you on the hamster wheel anymore. It’s time to rethink how you think about content. 

If you’re curious about a more systematic approach to creating your content, we invite you to learn more about the Content Success System, taught inside our Confident Creator Mastermind

We cannot wait to see what you create next.

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You know keeping up with the demands of content creation can be overwhelming, especially when balancing various aspects of running a business. The good news is that you don't always have to reinvent the wheel.

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